Monday, May 26, 2008

hey yall sorry for not updating last night but we didn't git back from diner until later. well yesterday was a lot of fun we didn't have to git up early so we just took our time with every thing. our first destination was the USS Alabama, which is an old battle ship that is now a museum. there was also a small hanger with a few jets and helicopters. when we where done there we started on our way to New Orleans {about a 3.5 hr. trip}

once we got to Kellen's new house {hes a student at Tulane University} grandma and pops started cleaning. and once it was to standards we brought all our many bags in and got settled. relay after that we just hung out until dinner {which was at 10:00.... :(...} dinner was relay good though. ok i know i haven't put up many pictures but i promise they are coming soon!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are already having lots of fun. Mich, Anthony and I miss you guys but know that this is such a fantastic chance for the three of you to see the country. Enjoy the time together!

Looking forward to future posts and pictures!!

Unknown said...

Hey JM! hope you have lots of fun and plz dont forget to post pics of all the places you and your family go!

Unknown said...

JM! i cant believe i haven't seen this blog until now. I'm such a slacker and i haven't pulled up my g-mail all weekend. Newayz I'm so glad your having fun- looking forward to the pictures and seeing you soon... when are u coming home?